Monday, February 21, 2011

We've got him! He's amazing!

Well we finally have Jonathan!  He's amazing, cute, curious and very content.  He loves playing with his new cars, loves the sippy cup and is starting to get attached to his new family.  He pushed the cart at the supermarket and loves the ceiling mirror in the elavator - he says "up" and wants to be held to look at his reflection. 
We will post more later.  It's 8:00PM here after a long Monday.
The McKinley's


  1. Congratulations! Wow... he looks wonderful and like a different kid than the one I met just over a year ago! I know that my Johnathan is going to miss your Jonathan very much... someday we need to reunite all those Madison Xuzhou boys!

  2. these pictures are fantastic! I am SO glad I got the blog site tonight! He is amazing! I can tell!!

  3. How sweet! Thank you for sharing him with us.
